We finished the first semester! Remember there is no school Monday January 31st. We will see everyone on Tuesday to start the new semester!
about 3 years ago, Kelsey West
End of semester
January 26th Newsletter!
about 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Rivers Edge Charter School News
This week is all about informing parents and families about the schooling options that are available. Help us celebrate #SchoolChoiceWeek!
about 3 years ago, Kelsey West
School choice week
No school on Monday. Have a great weekend!
about 3 years ago, Marisa Marquez
Martin Luther King Day
January 2022 Newsletter. Welcome Back and Happy New Year!
about 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Rivers Edge Charter School News
Evans Valley Campus
about 3 years ago, Marisa Marquez
Evans Valley Lunch Menu
Grants Pass Lunch Menu
about 3 years ago, Marisa Marquez
Grants Pass Lunch Menu
Last reminder that our Christmas Movie Night is tonight.
about 3 years ago, Marisa Marquez
Christmas movie night
December 2021 Newsletter
about 3 years ago, REACH School
Evans Valley Lunch Menu
about 3 years ago, Marisa Marquez
Evans Valley Lunch Menu
Grants Pass Lunch Menu
about 3 years ago, Marisa Marquez
Grants Pass Lunch Menu
Join us for a field trip to the Bear Hotel on December 10th. Come see the how the bears are created and enjoy the Christmas lights and exhibits. The original tour was scheduled for 1pm but due to the response a 2pm tour has been added! Call the school if you have questions.
about 3 years ago, REACH School
bear hotel field trip
Students and siblings, please join us for a Christmas Movie Night where we will be watching the movie Elf and eating "Buddy style" pancakes:). Feel free to wear your pajamas or Christmas sweater and bring a pillow and blanket.
about 3 years ago, REACH School
Christmas movie invitation
Parents and students, there is no school on November 11, 2021 for observance of Veterans Day and no school on November 12, 2021 because it is an in-service day.
over 3 years ago, REACH School
Flag picture
Judged by REACH teachers, students can win a prize if they have the best costume in their category -Evans Valley on-site students will have a contest Oct. 28th at 2pm. -Grants Pass on-site students will have a contest during class time on Oct. 28th for grades 3-9 and Oct. 29th for grades 10-12. -Home-based students will have a contest at the Grants Pass location Oct. 29th at 2pm.
over 3 years ago, REACH School
Costume contest flyer
Students and Parents, there will be no school on Friday, October 8, 2021 because it is a statewide in-service day. Enjoy your day off students!
over 3 years ago, REACH School
no school notice
Students at our K-2 classroom are enjoying creating masterpieces with Legos.
over 3 years ago, REACH School
Children playing with legos
We are accepting applications for Grades 9-11 for the upcoming school year! Please go to reach-school.org to enroll or call 541-299-0299 for more information.
over 3 years ago, Wendy Bogard
reminder to apply grades 9-11
Students enrolled in our place-based k-3 and their families are invited to an open house and picture day at our Rogue River location!
over 3 years ago, Wendy Bogard
invitation for k-3 open house and picture day
All enrolled students and families are invited to our Open House and Picture Day!
over 3 years ago, Wendy Bogard
Blue polka dot open house invite