Happy April Fool's Day! All you pranksters out there, what is the funniest thing you have done on April Fool's Day?
almost 3 years ago, REACH School
April fool's day
Reminder! Spring Break is March 21-25th.
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Spring break
Happy Pi Day!
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Pi day
Pi day
Pi day
Pi day
We will be celebrating Pi Day with pizza for lunch Monday March 14th!
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
PI day
Bugs-R-Us is coming to REACH on March 28th! If you would like to sign your student(s) up please click the link and fill out the form below. https://forms.gle/Nit8tvT6WTsN9W4PA
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
field trip
Starting Monday March 14, REACH will no longer require masks to be worn at school. The Oregon Health Authority still recommends masking for people at higher risk from COVID-19, including unvaccinated people and immunocompromised people. Every individual has the right to choose to continue to wear face coverings at school and we will not tolerate any behavior that infringes on the safety of any student.
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
We are still accepting new students for the 2021-2022 school year. Call or apply online today! #YourFutureisWithinReach
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Looking for a dance class? Check out some of our vendors. #yourfutureiswithinreach
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Check out our March Newsletter! #YourFutureisWithinReach
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Our Mission and Vision at REACH. #yourfutureiswithinreach
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
March lunch menu for Grants Pass and Evans Valley. All menu items are subject to change according to availability.
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Culinary Arts made some delicious appetizers today. Homemade salsa and guacamole!
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts
Looking for a Martial Arts class? Check out some of our vendors!
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Happy Thursday! #YourFutureisWithinReach
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Quote of the day
Looking for a tutor? Check out some of our approved vendors on our website.
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Join us for a Valentines Day Dance Monday February 14th!
about 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Valentines day
Congratulations to all of our students who had perfect attendance last semester. Keep up the great work!
about 3 years ago, Kelsey West
We are officially in the second semester! One of the most beneficial ways to begin the studying process is to set yourself up for success from the start. Here are some tips to help you be successful this semester.
about 3 years ago, Kelsey West
Study tips
February lunch menu for Evans Valley Campus.
about 3 years ago, Rivers Edge Academy Charter School
February lunch menu for Evans Valley campus. Has a deer, bird, fox, bunny, and raccon on top with snowflakes falling.
February lunch menu for Grants Pass campus.
about 3 years ago, Rivers Edge Academy Charter School
Grants Pass Lunch Menu for February. Has a deer, bird, bunny, raccoon,  and fox with snowflakes falling.