School Safety

Facility Policy Involving Radon

In our continued efforts to provide safe and healthy schools for our students and staff, River's Edge Academy Charter School is beginning to test for radon at our school. A new state law requires that all districts in Oregon test schools for radon before January 1, 2021.

Radon is a naturally occurring gas that comes from deposits in the soil. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless and can work its way into buildings through cracks in the ground and openings in foundations or under structures.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among people who do not smoke. The threat of elevated radon levels in Southern Oregon is considered low; however, testing is the only definitive way to determine actual radon levels.

Testing is non-invasive and poses no danger to staff or students. It consists of placing a small container (test kit) in all rooms that people typically occupy and leaving it there for several days. The kits are then sent to a lab for analysis and results are posted here: Radon Test Results

While people may be exposed to elevated radon levels in schools, EPA data shows exposure at home is the number one source of radon exposure for most people. The EPA and Oregon Health Authority (OHA) recommend that all homes be tested for radon.

For more information about radon, visit the OHA’s website:

River's Edge Academy Charter School has developed a radon plan as required by ORS 332.167. Community members can access a copy of the radon plan here: Reachs Radon Health and Safety Plan

Introduction to Integrated Pest Management

Identify Pests and Monitor Progress

Correct pest identification is required to:

  • Determine the best preventive measures.

  • Reduce the unnecessary use of pesticides.

Additionally, correct identification will prevent the elimination of beneficial organisms. When monitoring for pests:

  • Maintain records for each building detailing:

    • monitoring techniques;

    • location; and

    • inspection schedule.

  • Record monitoring results and inspection findings, including recommendations.

Many monitoring techniques are available and often vary according to the pest. Successful IPM programs routinely monitor:

  • pest populations;

  • areas vulnerable to pests; and

  • the efficacy of prevention and control methods.

IPM plans should be updated in response to monitoring results.

Set Action Thresholds

An action threshold is the pest population level at which the pest's presence is a:

  • nuisance;

  • health hazard; or

  • economic threat.

Setting an action threshold is critical to guiding pest control decisions. A defined threshold will focus the size, scope, and intensity of an IPM plan.

Prevent Pests

IPM focuses on prevention by removing conditions that attract pests, such as food, water, and shelter. Preventive actions include:

  • Reducing clutter.

  • Sealing areas where pests enter the building (weatherization).

  • Removing trash and overgrown vegetation.

  • Maintaining clean dining and food storage areas.

  • Installing pest barriers.

  • Removing standing water.

  • Educating building occupants on IPM.

Control Pests

Pest control is required if action thresholds are exceeded. IPM programs use the most effective, lowest risk options considering the risks to the applicator, building occupants, and environment. Control methods include:

  • Pest trapping.

  • Heat/cold treatment.

  • Physical removal.

  • Pesticide application.

Documenting pest control actions is critical in evaluating success and should include:

  • An on-site record of each pest control service, including all pesticide applications, in a searchable, organized system.

  • Evidence that non-chemical control methods were considered and implemented.

  • Recommendations for preventing future pest problems.

Protecting the health of children is one of EPA’s top priorities. Pollution Prevention, known as P2, has been a cornerstone at EPA for implementing programs that protect children’s health and the environment. 

EPA recommends that schools use integrated pest management (IPM) - a SmartSensible and Sustainable approach to pest control:

  • Smart because IPM creates a safer and healthier learning environment by managing pests and reducing children’s exposure to pests and pesticides.

  • Sensible since practical strategies are used to reduce sources of food, water and shelter for pests in school buildings and grounds.

  • Sustainable because the emphasis is on prevention, which makes it an economically advantageous approach.

IPM is an effective and environmentally-sensitive approach that offers a wide variety of tools to reduce contact with pests and exposure to pesticides. The website focuses on providing vital information in the school setting to parents, school administrators, staff and pest management professionals. Knowledgeable, proactive stakeholders can enable a community to prevent or significantly reduce pollution from unnecessary pesticide use.

River's Edge Academy Chart school has adopted an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan as required by ORS 634.700 through 634.750. Community members can access a copy of the IPM plan here: 

Elevated Levels of Lead in Water Used for Drinking or Food Preparation

All school districts, education service districts, and public charter schools are required to test for and eliminate exposure to elevated levels of lead in water used for Drinking and Food Preparation through either remediation or eliminating access, according to OAR 333-061-0400 and OAR 581-022-2223. In conformance with those administrative rules, Logos Public Charter School certifies the following: 1. All testing was done according to the testing requirements in OAR 333-061-0400; 2. All samples were analyzed by a lab accredited by Oregon Health Authority to test for those materials; 3. All water fixtures required to be tested under OAR 333-061-0400 were tested for elevated levels of lead in accordance with the testing schedule developed by the Oregon Health Authority; and 4. The testing schedule for each building covered by this plan is set forth below:

Rivers Edge Academy Charter School, 290 NE C St.
Please click here for the lead testing results: Lead Testing Results

ODE Approved Healthy And Safe Schools Plan

River’s Edge Academy Charter School

Healthy and Safe Schools Plan.

 1.      Responsible Person

The person responsible for administering and implementing the Healthy and Safe Schools Plan:


Name:  Cecile Enright

Position Title:  Executive Director

Phone Number:  541-299-0299 ext 205

Email Address:

Mailing Address:  PO Box 1364, Rogue River, OR 97537


The person who is the designated IPM Coordinator:


Name: Craig Warren

Position Title:  Maintenance (Outside Contract)

Phone Number:  541-840-1223

Email Address:

Mailing Address:  PO Box 1364, Rogue River, OR 97537


The person responsible for AHERA information:


Name: Daniella Bivens

Position Title:  Business Manager

Phone Number:  541-299-0299 ext. 102

Email Address:

Mailing Address:  PO Box 1364, Rogue River, OR 97537

 2.      List Facilities

All facilities owned and leased by River’s Edge Academy Charter School where students or staff are present on a regular basis are covered by this HASS Plan. The list of those buildings and facilities is below:

Facility Name

Facility Address

Rogue River Campus

270 W. Evans Creek Rd, Rogue River, OR 97537

Grants Pass Campus

290 NE C St., Grants Pass, OR 97526

Grants Pass Campus

216 NE C St., Grants Pass, OR 97526

3.      Elevated Levels of Lead in Water Used for Drinking or Food Preparation

 All school districts, education service districts, and public charter schools are required to test for and eliminate exposure to elevated levels of lead in water used for Drinking and Food Preparation through either remediation or eliminating access, according to OAR 333-061-0400 and OAR 581-022-2223. In conformance with those administrative rules, River’s Edge Academy Charter School certifies the following:


  1. All testing was done according to the testing requirements in OAR 333-061-0400;

  2. All samples were analyzed by a lab accredited by Oregon Health Authority to test for those materials;

  3. All water fixtures required to be tested under OAR 333-061-0400 were tested for elevated levels of lead in accordance with the testing schedule developed by the Oregon Health Authority; and

  4. The testing schedule for each building covered by this plan is set forth below:

Facility Name

Year Of Last Test (year only)

Next scheduled test (per 6 year schedule)(year only)

Schedule or Exception Reason

Rogue River Campus



6 year schedule

Grants Pass Campus



6 year schedule

4.      Lead Paint

In order to comply with the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Renovation, Repair and Painting Program Rule, the charter school will only contract with certified lead based paint renovation contractors licensed by the Oregon Construction Contractors Board.

 5.      Asbestos

River’s Edge Academy Charter School complies with the federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). All required asbestos management plans are available for viewing by submitting a request to the Responsible Person.

 6.      Radon

River’s Edge Academy Charter School has developed a radon plan as required by ORS 332.167. Community members can access a copy of the radon plan here: Test results will be made public and are available here:

 7.      Integrated Pest Management

River’s Edge Academy Charter School has adopted an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan

as required by ORS 634.700 through 634.750.  Community members can access a copy of the

IPM plan here:

 8.      Carbon Monoxide Detectors

River’s Edge Academy Charter School certifies that all buildings subject to the Healthy and Safe

Schools Plan comply with the carbon monoxide detection standards in the state building code

that was in effect when the building was originally constructed or as required by building code

due to addition, upgrade, or remodel.

 9.      Test Results Publication

River’s Edge Academy Charter School is complying with the requirement to provide access to test results, as defined by OAR 581-022-2223 within 10 business days as defined by ORS 332-334. Test results can be found on River’s Edge Academy Charter School’s website at Specific test results can be found as follows:



Additionally, copies of all test results are available at 270 W. Evans Creek Rd, Rogue River, OR 97537 or 290 NE C Street, Grants Pass, OR 97526 ESD’s, or public charter school’s administration offices. River’s Edge Academy Charter School will also alert members of its communities as to where they can access test results using current district email lists and programs. Please contact appropriate district personnel to be added to current district email lists and programs.



I certify that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Craig Warren



Electronic signature of authorized representative

